Audience Research for Online Course
In my previous post, I discussed the online course market research methodology in the video course on the website.
I also showed you the 4 different methods you can deploy to profile your audience market.
In this article, I am going to show you how I get results using these tools for my market research
You see, over the past 8 years as a new media business developers I have come to realize that beyond the numerous keyword research tools the best way to conduct market research is simply to ask your audience what they want and give it to them.
It cut out all the stress and the assumptions
And today I am going to show you exactly how I do that.
Suppose I have my course Idea ready and I have budgeted 100k for marketing
My first action will be to go on Google and search for related websites on the topic and YouTube to see existing course topics on the subject.
Next, I will use “Keywords Everywhere” and Facebook audience insight to generate some keywords ideas
Now, the next step is what some “infopreneurs” don’t usually do, big organizations know the importance of this.
Next, I will set up a mock campaign on Facebook/IG with the data I have gotten so far offering a bait and running this with about 7% of my initial marketing campaign
By the end of 5 days
I would found out
Who really needs my online course?
What problem it solves for them?
Where are they located?
Their favorite websites
Their purchasing power?
If they are Students or self-employed or fully Employed?
What their gender is?
What their age range is?
And most importantly, ads engagement and cost insight
With this information,
I will now create a lookalike custom audience of my winning ad and launch a full-scale marketing onslaught with the remaining ads budget, giving my campaign a more laser targeting
If all these sound a bit too techy for you…
Don’t worry, You will find a video demo on this in the Course Launch Academy.
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