3 Type of online courses you can create
Creating a profitable online course as an entrepreneur requires skills and strategies, in this article I will show you the type of courses you can create and the strategic sales implementation for each.
The first on my list here is the Open or Free Online courses
Now, you might want to ask why I would recommend a free online course when the idea for creating the information product is for profit in the first place; well here is the thing,
if you are a newbie in your niche with no prior reputation, no mailing list, no quality social media following, no existing students or influential brand image.
the Open Free course method is highly recommended for you.
And here is how to go about it;
You will divide your online course into 2 parts.
The first part will be your bait, it will be a juicy half of a coin, a completely free information product but for a purpose, and this is to strategically grow your audience.
You then will run a strategic digital marketing traffic to this bait information course.
I will suggest you do an email marketing model in this case; please by all means grab the Email Marketing Automation Course, you will gain a lot of insight on email marketing that really works.
Now imagine you are able to build your mailing list to about 3000 using the part 1 of your online course, you now have an audience that Know, Like and Trust you, which are the three key ingredients when selling online.
Remember the information product was given for free
They have enjoyed your online course and they are now very much disposed and comfortable following you as a mentor,
Now, By the time you roll out the second part of your information product this time a paid version to the audience you have already built, you should be able to get at the least a 40 percent paid conversion if you were able to create a good appetite for your information course in the first part.
The income generated should cover up for the initial marketing cost and also fetch you a good profit provided your marketing opt in conversion was considerably very cheap.
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Now let’s talk about Freemium course Model
This is a pricing strategy by which a product or service is provided free of charge, but money is charged for additional features or services rendered.
This is my favourite and I will highly recommend it, a lot of software companies, and web-based services have also adopted this method.
The strategy for the Freemium course type is very simple but highly effective.
You simply grant a limited access to your online course for your students to enjoy, but access into the comprehensive package will have to be paid for.
Infact, in one single information product, you could have as many as 5 paid information addons.
For example, if you have a course on Mini Importation Business, you may decide to give access to the first 3 chapters for free, while access to the remaining modules which will include, workbooks, downloadable digital marketing blueprints, and a phone appointment consultation will all come at a cost.
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Lastly is the Paid Online courses which are usually the common ways people sell their online, in this case, your student will have to make payments before accessing the information page from the get-go.
The strategies with this type of online course are in the Value of the information products, the marketing strategies, and additional freebie values attached.
You will need to be very skillful with your marketing approach to ensure you weaken all the defenses of your prospect.
Again email marketing follow up is the game-changer here.e
By all means please go through the EMAIL MARKETING AUTOMATION, it’s a simplified course on email marketing and you will learn a lot on how to set up an email marketing campaign for your information product.
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